I've hiked an ancient wall. I'm a man now.

{Jamie and Michael mapping out the trip. Parts of the wall were taken down to make way for streets over the centuries, so we had to navigate some back alleys to find the main part of the wall that still stands today. In case you hadn't noticed the poncho so elegantly draped over Michael, we had some rain fall happening.}

{The long stretch of wall we hiked alongside. We had to get to top of that mountain in the distance. It does not look very high, but that's just the angle. It's actually a really long trail to the top so the peak looks low, but it's not, trust me.}

{Some foliage.}

{Made it!}

{Leaving the wall for a little mid-day re-fueling in a quaint neighborhood a short distance down from the trail.}

{We stopped for a carbo-load and it ended up being some of the best pasta we had had in Seoul to date. Abbiamo mangiato buono miei amici.}

{This is the gate to the most important section of the wall. It runs behind the most recent dynasty's ancient palace. But it also, and more importantly, runs behind the Blue House which is the equivalent of White House in D.C. We had to show our passports and sign in to get back on the trail.}

{Ice cream and traditional buildings, perfect. Each new section we became more aware of how good this day was.}

{This felt good.}

{Ancient walls really provide moments of contemplation. Not only about the history and culture the wall represents, but of the place you're in at that moment in life. Both physically and emotionally. Now, this particular picture was taken for photo-op purposes. She hopped on and off fairly quickly. But Jamie's peaceful moment in this picture explains the complete experience of following this very old piece of construction.}

{And finally, after about six hours of walking, climbing, observing and laughing, the reward.}
Thanks Jamie. Thanks Michael. Super good day.
...get Lost my friends.